Summer Tanager
The Summer Tanager is a medium-sized bird, measuring around 6.5–7.5 inches long with a wingspan of about 11.5–12.5 inches. Males are vibrant red, while females and juveniles display a mustard-olive hue. They move slowly in forest canopies, catching bees and wasps mid-flight and killing them by beating them against branches. Preferring mature deciduous forests (but also found in suburban areas), they are migratory, breeding in parts of the U.S. and wintering in Central and South America—their diet centers on insects, supplemented with fruits and berries. Males sing clear, sweet whistles, sometimes with burry notes, while both sexes may give a “pik-i-tuk-i-tuk” call. Although classified as Least Concern, they face threats from habitat loss.
Places Seen 📍: Big Morongo