turkey vulture close up
Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vultures are desert survivors. Gliding over the Mojave and Colorado Deserts, they ride warm currents searching for carrion. Their keen sense of smell leads them to rotting flesh, preventing disease and recycling nutrients. They skip fancy nests, laying eggs in hidden crevices or logs. With a six-foot wingspan held in a slight β€œV,” they rock gently on the breeze. A bare red head helps keep them clean, and yes, they can vomit foul food to deter threats. Despite the mess, they’re nature’s cleanup crew, turning decay into renewal.

Coachella Valley

Birds 🐦

Discover vibrant native and migratory birds in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts and nearby mountains. Marvel at vivid colors, intricate patterns, and fascinating behaviorsβ€”a haven for bird lovers, photographers, and nature enthusiasts.

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